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Love, Courage and Smiles

An spirited and emotional book to understand and support cancer patients, aslo for healthy people to learn from a real experience of overcoming

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Published by Editorial Líberman
Illustrations by Macarena Bravo
Entrevista Leyre @JELO Julia en la Onda -
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Entrevista Leyre @Radio Principado Asturias -
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Entrevista Leyre @Cadena Ser -
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Entrevista Leyre @Cope La Tarde de Exposito -
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Reviews - Testimonies - Opinions (in spanish):

Reseña en Jaque al Cáncer

Opinión en Que Pase el Próximo

Opinión en Mujeres con Cincuenta

Opiniones de Lectores

Club de las Malasmadres: Las emociones y procesos del cáncer

Revista Yoga journal: Te caes, te levantas

ONG Kurere, palabras que curan: Compartida la vida es más

20 minutos-madre reciente: Cuando eres madre y te dicen "tienes cáncer"

Revista La Vida en Rosa: terapias complementarias

Testimonio en Mente Sana

Cadena Cope: Elegi que mi trabajo era curarme

Revista Saber Vivir: Libros prácticos

Articulo en la revista Solo Boadilla

Web Revista Clara: Libros para regalar

Web Telva recomienda regalos solidarios

La razón

Noticia en Infopozuelo


During my sickness I had two powerful reasons to wake up every morning and enjoy each day: my children. As important as this, was to feel the love from my partner, relatives, friends, work colleagues, my children's friend's parents and their school teachers... All that energy that I received is beyond price.

Big thanks to everyone that supported me.

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